Discover Your Inner Hero – Group Training

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Language: Turkish
Location Online
Duration : 60 Minutes


Our training program encompasses a process of discovering your inner hero, supported by neuroscience practices on your journey of self-discovery. The program allows you to get to know and discover yourself more deeply through the following questions:

Becoming Our Own Hero: How can we recognize that we are the hero of our own story?
Personal Perception: What should we understand from our self-perception and what does it tell us about ourselves?
Self-Knowledge: How much do we really know about ourselves?
Honesty: How honest are we with ourselves?
Time Allocation: How much time do we spend getting to know ourselves?
Role of “I”: Are we ready to enter deeply into the role of “I”?

These questions, blended with a coaching and neuroscience perspective, form the cornerstones of our self-worth work. The program guides you through the journey of getting to know yourself and developing your self-worth.


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Taksit Sayısı Aylık Ödeme Toplam Tutar
1 37.20 37.20
2 19.25 38.49
3 13.06 39.17
4 9.96 39.85
Taksit Sayısı Aylık Ödeme Toplam Tutar
1 37.20 37.20
2 19.25 38.49
3 13.06 39.17
4 9.96 39.85
Taksit Sayısı Aylık Ödeme Toplam Tutar
1 37.20 37.20
2 19.25 38.49
3 13.06 39.17
4 9.96 39.85
Taksit Sayısı Aylık Ödeme Toplam Tutar
1 37.20 37.20
2 19.25 38.49
3 13.06 39.17
4 9.96 39.85
Taksit Sayısı Aylık Ödeme Toplam Tutar
1 37.20 37.20
2 19.25 38.49
3 13.06 39.17
4 9.96 39.85
Taksit Sayısı Aylık Ödeme Toplam Tutar
1 37.20 37.20
2 19.25 38.49
3 13.06 39.17
4 9.96 39.85
Taksit Sayısı Aylık Ödeme Toplam Tutar
1 37.20 37.20
2 19.25 38.49
3 13.06 39.17
4 9.96 39.85
12 3.10 37.20
Taksit Sayısı Aylık Ödeme Toplam Tutar
1 37.19 37.19
2 19.25 38.49
3 13.06 39.17
4 9.96 39.85
7 5.31 37.20

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Professional Erickson ACTP, PCC, over 2000 hours of coaching experience.

Erickson Team Coach,

NLP Master Practitioner,

InnerSpeak Practitioner.